Yearly Archives: 2024

Public Toilets in Singapore as Dirty as in 2020: Survey

Singapore may be one of the cleanest cities in the world, but the opposite applies to public toilets in her coffeeshops and hawker centres....

Capitalizing on Potential: Catfish Farming Empowerment by University of North Sumatra

Empowering teenage groups to improve the local economy has become a focus for lecturers at the University of North Sumatra. Led by Dra. Lina...

Higher education experts: Universities will not disappear, but will have to change

A third-year student Zoe, rushing from the university to work, dreams about the possibility of watching lectures as if they were an internet TV...

Scientists Achieve First Total Synthesis of Potentially Anti-Rheumatic Sesquiterpene Merillianin

Merrillianin is a naturally occurring compound found in Chinese herbal medicine. In a significant milestone for drug development, researchers have succeeded in its artificial...

The top three best startups of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» from CIG have been determined

The experts of the CIG R&D LAB (CIG) educational and scholarship program selected the participants of the 7th season from Kharkiv Polytechnic. This took...

EdUHK Dr Kevin Chan Elected Fellow of Association for Psychological Science

Dr Kevin Chan Ka-shing, Head of Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong, has been elected as a Fellow of the Association...

Elevate Your Entrepreneurial Journey at Women Impact Entrepreneurship Day 2024!

Dive into the realm of inspiration with Sasin Sustainability & Entrepreneurship Center as we proudly present “Women Impact Entrepreneurship Day (WIED) 2024”! This extraordinary event...

USU Lecturer Concerned on the Extinction of Tapanuli Orangutan

Onrizal, S.Hut, M.Si., Ph.D., a Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara lecturer, was born and raised in Tapanuli, North Sumatra. The Tapanuli region is...

Keeping an eye on your data

Every business today is a technology business, each generating vast amounts of data. This has created remarkable opportunities and challenges. The datasphere, the term for...

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