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    What is QS GEN?

    QS GEN (Global Education News) is an online platform for higher education institutions and related organizations to submit their latest news stories and press releases. In some cases, they may be picked up by QS News Bites, our fortnightly newsletter.

    To subscribe, please click here.

    Who can submit stories?

    Anyone can submit a story to QS GEN. Stories must be related to higher education and international education and not have a marketing angle. Generally, we will not publish stories such as a day in the life of a student, staff profiles, new program announcements, unless they are newsworthy.

    We recommend everyone considering submitting a story familiarize themselves with the inverted pyramid writing structure for news articles.

    How do I submit a story?

    To submit stories, you must register. We will generally only accept accounts from universities and related institutions such as accreditation agencies, PR agencies which represent a university. We manually screen new registrations.

    We recommend limiting articles to 500 words where possible.

    Do you publish every story?

    QS reserves the right to edit or revise stories and may choose not to publish certain items for any reason. QS reserves its editorial discretion and may not provide reasons a story has not published.

    We strongly recommend limiting the number of stories submitted as we will not publish all submissions at once. In some cases, we may choose to stagger the release of pieces.

    If you would like further information on why your story was rejected, please contact [email protected].

    Do you edit stories?

    QS reserves the right to edit or revise stories to ensure all articles adhere to its style and editorial position.

    How much does it cost?

    QS GEN is free to submit a story and to read.

    Do you write your own stories?

    Yes! As part of the QS GEN quarterly magazine, we create our own articles. At this time, we do not publish them on the website, however.

    Do you offer premium services?

    We do not provide a premium service, however, we are always happy to provide some guidance on how to submit a story and in what editorial style it should be submitted. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

    Advertising banners are also available to purchase. Please contact [email protected] for rates and a booking form.

    Why can’t I comment on stories?

    We have decided to not include a comments section for the time being. However, if you wish to comment, you can share the story via social media.

    What should I do if I want QS GEN to remove a story?

    You can “flag” the story with the “flag a story” button and state your reason for wanting the story removed. Our editors will then review your request. In case of copyright violations or other legal issues, you may also write to us at [email protected].

    Can I submit stories anonymously?

    No. Occasionally we may need to clarify a story and need to contact the person who submitted it in order to do.

    If I give you a tip will you write a story about it?

    We welcome suggestions for trends and headlines we should cover.

    Is QS GEN indexed by Google News?

    QS GEN is now being indexed by Google News. Therefore, your stories will appear on Google News’ news alert and search results – just like news articles from the BBC and CNN.

    How does QS GEN help readers?

    QS GEN provides you news directly from the source. This can be very useful for researchers, policy makers, and journalists. By making all this information searchable in one place, it becomes much easier to learn about the higher education sector around the world.

    Who owns QS GEN

    QS GEN is a service of QS Quacquarelli Symonds Pte Ltd. For more information about QS please visit www.qs.com.
