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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Thammasat Develops ‘TU COVID-19’ App for Students and Staff

    On the advice of the staff from Thammasat University Hospital, Thammasat University has now developed TU COVID-19 program in chatbot LINE  track risk groups.

    Dr Pokpong Songmueng, Professor at Computer Science, the Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, and Director of Office of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), reveals that “we have developed a program monitoring and tracking conditions of student and staff that prone to infect COVID-19. The program can be used through a platform in LINE application under the name TU COVID-19. The program helps to treat patients in time and it covers a large number of people.” It is a collaborative effort between the Office of Information and Communication Technology, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University Hospital, Data Science and Innovation Program, and Student Affairs, Thammasat University.

    Dr Pokpong says that TU COVID-19 works similarly to Thammasat ​University’s ​Official​ Line​ (@thammasatu). Students and staff have to add a friend at @tucovid19. After that, they will need to register to confirm their identity in order to receive daily information, screening, and risk evaluation. It also collects their medical profile and location. Students and staff will get advice from personnel from Thammasat University Hospital via chatbot and experts.

    “At first, we found students who have a risk of infecting COVID-19 and have self-isolated. The university has contacted and texted them for follow-up. We ask them to report themselves by filling up the form every day. However, the problem is if the number of people increases, it will be difficult to keep track of everyone so we develop this supporting system.” said Dr.Pokpong.

    Dr Pokpong also says, ” TU COVID-19 has an alert system to warn risk groups in order for them to report their daily conditions. The information will be collected and stored as an information base. At the same time, we will monitor questions and put them into different categories. Moreover, people who have tested can update their information whether they are infected or not.”

    “This program helps Thammasat administer to see a big picture and understand the situation more. It will lead to an effective policy. Plus, our team also can take care of students and get in touch with infected people in time. Those who are not infected also can follow daily information and update their conditions. All in all, it will benefit all if everyone is responsible for themselves and the society.” said Dr.Pokpong.

    In the 1st phase of program development, we will mainly focus on the access of university students and staff. The contents will concern the past and present situations such as the condition, behavior, and risk. In the 2nd phase, we will concern the future as we will contact infected people in order to know their background information, including people they met and the place they went to. After that, we will evaluate that information and give an alert to people who are closed to infected people.

    “We will diagnose the disease in order to analyze big data. This data will help us find people who are prone to infect. Many Thammasat professors from many majors take part in analyzing and drawing Thammasat’s diagram” said Dr.Pokpong.