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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    COVID-19 low-risk quarantine and treatment center at UiTM Kuala Terengganu campus

    Looking at the recent COVID-19 situation in Malaysia, the Malaysia National Crisis Preparedness and Response Center (CPRC) has reactivated the COVID-19 Low-Risk Quarantine and...

    Scientists find drug duo that may cure COVID-19

    While preventative care for COVID-19 has made much noise (with vaccines having rolled out in most countries), the soaring infection rates indicate the need...

    MMSU Recalibrates to Face the ‘New Normal’

    The Mariano Marcos State University intensively recalibrates its ways to face the challenges of the ‘New Normal’ brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. MMSU President...

    UiTM Medicine Makes Laudable Efforts to Fight COVID-19

    Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) as a major higher education provider in the country was no exception when the COVID-19 pandemic struck and affected adversely....

    ICFAI University Launches Food Distribution Scheme for the Poor

    ICFAI University, Jharkhand (India) has launched a food distribution scheme, "Bhojan Paatraa". This has been possible due to voluntary donations from the employees of...

    Chitkara University Launches World’s First 24/7 Community Radio Broadcasting On COVID- 19

    Radio Chitkara FM 107.8, the community radio of Chitkara University, has become the first radio station in India and the world to broadcast round...

    UAJ and IKBI Hold a Webinar on Tax Incentives for Corporations and SMEs

    Faculty of Economics and Business Unika Atma Jaya (FEB UAJ) in collaboration with the Indonesian Tax Consultants Association (IKPI) held a national tax webinar...

    Thammasat Joins “Food For Fighters” Project , an Initiative To Deliver Food to Medical Workers

    Thammasat University Field Hospital supports the “Food For Fighters” project to use “Tiffin boxes” delivering food for medical workers in order to reduce plastic...

    Two Medical Equipment Products from ITS Selected as the National Flagship Products

    Two medical equipment products from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) have been selected as the national flagship products. The two products are Robot medical...

    Chulalongkorn University Responds to COVID-19 Crisis with Digital Innovations

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt the norm, Chulalongkorn University is dedicated to look for solutions and develop research and innovations.  In collaboration...

    Adapting to COVID-19 Crisis: Closing the skills gap

    COVID-19 situation affects not only the world’s economy but also the educational and working system. It is the time when we have to improve...

    IPSOM Appoints UiTM for Collaborative Research on MCO and COVID-19

    An agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Institute of Public Security of Malaysia (IPSOM) has spearheaded research on the perception of Malaysians...