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Wednesday, May 1, 2024
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    UNAIR Hospital Receives Aid for Improving Hospital Capacity and Equipment for Treating COVID-19 Patients

    The growing empathy to participate in handling COVID-19 is visible from people’s enthusiasm for spreading goodness through donations. Some of them are Astra, CT Group and Salim Group, as they gave aids reaching 30 billion rupiah through CT Corp-Bank Mega for Special Infection Hospital at Universitas Airlangga on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. It aims to support the construction of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and tight isolation room (High Care Unit).

    Prof. Dr. Ir. KH Mohammad Nuh, DEA as COVID-19 East Java volunteer said, in the near future UNAIR Hospital will have 140 units of beds for the High Care Unit and 40 beds for the Intensive Care Unit. So that the community’s needs for Covid’s treatment can be served, especially in Surabaya and East Java.

    “God willing, within one to two weeks the availability of rooms and procurement of equipment that has been lacking can be fulfilled. We are grateful for this aid because social empathy from the community has grown tremendously, “he said.

    Aids in forms of medical equipment, he added, are expected to be managed well and used as well as possible by maintaining the mandate given by donors. Furthermore, the Government of East Java Province also collaborated with UNAIR in terms of renovation, provision of human resources, and the availability of sophisticated equipment.

    “The Government of East Java Province will assist in the renovation business by ensuring that AC system and flow can meet the requirements and the addition of hospital operations which include human resources and others. Meanwhile, the general public also helped in providing food to patients, and medical staff at the hospital, “he said.

    It revealed that the collaboration of various parties in tackling COVID-19 was very good because all parties were involved in it. In his interview with UNAIR NEWS, he invited the community to invest in doing good things so Indonesian people can immediately solve very complicated problems. Both in the fields of health, economics, and education.

    “Let’s work together, create synergy and work hand in hand to solve this problem. UNAIR Hospital will be the last bastion to face all the possibilities that occur. In the sense that we will provide hospital facilities. So if there are people who are stated positive, they can be immediately referred to UNAIR Hospital, ” he said.

    “We will prepare this hospital not only for COVID with ad hoc nature, but we will prepare for the permanent nature. So at any time if there is an incident like this UNAIR Hospital is ready to become a referral hospital to handle it, “he added.

    Meanwhile, Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA expressed his gratitude to all those who have aided in providing health care facilities at Universitas Airlangga Hospital. UNAIR will continue to work hard to find a solution to deal with the coronavirus.

    “We have limited medical workers. For this reason, it requires a lot of cooperation from all parties so that all can stay focus and calm, “he concluded.