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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Atma Jaya School of Medicine and Health Science Promotes Clean and Healthy Life Behavior at the Islamic Boarding School

    The Al Muhajirin Islamic boarding school, located in Pejagalan, North Jakarta, is a close partner of the Atma Jaya School of Medicine and Health Science.

    Amidst Covid-19 pandemic, Head of Al Muhajirin Islamic boarding school and young doctors from the Public Health and Nutrition Department agreed to give a discussion about Covid-19 with members of the student council (OSIS) and the youth Red Cross (PMR) of SMP (Madrasah Tsanawiyah/MTs) and SMA (Madrasah Aliyah/MA) on Wednesday (11/3/2020).

    The purpose was to give an understanding and awareness over the Covid-19 and to stress on the importance of sanitary and healthy behavior as prevention. The students are then expected to become role models in their school, family, and society.

    Acting as speakers, five young doctors under the Public Health and Nutrition Department of Atma Jaya School of Medicine and Health Science, namely Aisyah, Venny, Adi, Resley dan Kezia. The discussion was attended by forty students and accompanied by Mr. Surono, Student Council Coordinator.

    They discussed signs and symptoms, and prevention act of Covid-19 by practicing sanity and healthy behavior. In general, participants understand the danger of coronavirus, but due to some inaccurate information, many of them still panic dealing with Covid-19. Participants need to be informed about the ethics of coughing, the use of masks, and how to wash hands properly.

    To get a better understanding, the participants then were invited to demonstrate how to use a mask and wash their hands properly. The speakers corrected them, if necessary.

    The students were very enthusiastic about joining the discussion and simulations. They said it helps them to avoid panicking and become more aware. Some fun games related to the topics in between the discussion, bring participants to be more attentive.

    In the future, the school hopes for other helpful activities by the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCUI) at the Al Muhajirin. The UPMM HACCP/Dabin team will continue with food security activities for street food vendors around the school areas.