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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024
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    Computers should never be allowed to control human mind, says AI expert

    Computers should never be allowed to control the human mind and humans’ decisions, says Professor Dr. Madjid Fathi, a world-known AI expert, and head of the Institute of Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Management at Germany’s University Seigenin.

    Professor Fathi was in Kazakhstan on 20-22 September as a guest speaker at the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University (KATRU) named after Seifullin University in Astana. Professor Fathi gave a talk at the conference session on the use of artificial intelligence in the production of quality food. He said AI can be used for monitoring food crops and the data collected can help understand what affects the quality of food. Whether it is the quality of water, the quality of air, the quality of soil or plasticized, or the overall environment those affect the quality of the food crop.

    The focus of Professor Fathi’s research is the constructive and positive use of AI. Professor Fathi’s interest in AI developed 35 years ago when he was at Standford University California. He worked at the University of California, Barkley, He was at the University of New Mexico, too. Later, speaking to the KATRU Press Service, Professor Fathi said that the human mind should always control AI and its development.

    “Humans should be decision makers, not computers, computers shouldn’t lead us, we should lead computers. We must focus on controlling the misuse of AI,” said Professor Fathi.

    He further elaborated his point by giving an example. “By using Artificial intelligence, we can know about existing illnesses in a person or any illnesses that person may suffer in the near future. That means that AI can tell with accuracy how long the person may live. If this information gets into the hands of insurance companies, there is a possibility of misuse of the medical data.”

    Professor Fathi talked about the dangers of AI if it is not regulated. He said big businesses and corporations are using AI to make money and there is a danger that ethics may be compromised.

    He stressed the need to develop ethics for the use of AI and its applications. Professor Fathi is part of a group of professors from various countries who are working and pushing for rigorous ethics to regulate AI and its development.
    Professor Fathi travels around the world as a guest speaker and he has helped several universities in setting up AI centers and knowledge-based systems.

    Muhammad Sheraz is the Advisor to the Rector KATRU on Strategy, Global Engagement, and Communication. His email is: [email protected]