Yearly Archives: 2024

Flexible Artificial Intelligence Optoelectronic Sensors Towards Health Monitoring

Artificial intelligence (AI) is known for its high energy consumption, especially in data-intensive tasks like health monitoring. To address this, researchers at Tokyo University...

GoodWalk Thailand: Designing “Walkable City” Revitalizing the Economy, Enhancing Quality of Life for City Dwellers

Chula joins hands with the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) to design “Walkable City” using the GoodWalk Score as the criteria for selecting the...

To support the military: Scientists of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» held a master class on eco-packaging

One of the most urgent problems in war time is providing quality food for the army and civilians in conditions of inappropriate storage. And...

The achievements of IPB University alumni in various sectors

The contributions/roles of IPB University alumni have a significant influence on various policies and academic backgrounds. They not only offer changes for Indonesia but...

Banana leaf nanofiber filter mask ready to be developed

Several Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) students have developed mask filters that use nanofiber from banana stem waste. The team has submitted a research proposal...

The Future is Still Human: Training the Next Generation of AI Leaders at Lingnan University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionise all aspects of modern life. From healthcare to education, and more, AI is streamlining processes, enabling personalised solutions,...

Study Abroad at Chulalongkorn University: A Gateway to World-Class Education in Asia

Poised to become one of Asia’s educational hubs, Chulalongkorn University is offering more than 100 international programs to create borderless learning experiences, and prepare...

EdUHK Shines Brightly with Three Awards Wins in its First Participation at AEII

The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) secured three awards at the 3rd Asia Innovation and Invention Exhibition (AEII). This is the first time...

Thammasat researchers develop LAW-U chatbot

With sexual violence widely occurring in Thai society and the problem of accessing various assistance is the source of the research study "LAW-U: Legal...

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