20.2 C
New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    The Simulation Center at PNU Performs a “Medical Hypothesis” for a “Corona” Patient

    The Centre of Simulation and Clinical Skills Development at Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University has performed a medical hypothesis simulating a genuine medical case for a patient infected with COVID-19 to launch an online training course (Assessment & Management of COVID-19 Patient) that targets primarily the health practitioners and those interested in this field to find out how to deal with COVID-19 patients according to the medical prescribed plans and instructions, which were with the participation of consultants, nurses, paramedics and a respiratory therapist from King Abdullah University Hospital.

    The medical hypothesis is based on simulated reality scenarios using the most recent dolls that simulate the patient’s condition and the way paramedics usually deal with this case. After that, they transfer it to the emergency at the Simulation Centre to deal with the condition medically and preventively. Thence, the case is transferred to the intensive care department. The hypothesis is based as well on the mechanism of dealing in such cases in the light of preventive precautions to avoid infection and also to have them evaluated by consultants participating in the hypothesis.

    In this regard, Dr. Maad AlSaati, the Executive Director of the Simulation Centre and Clinical Skills Development, explained that in implementation of Ministry of Education’s decision to temporarily suspend studying and activate the distance education, this course was prepared and executed in line with the precautionary measures taken by the government to ensure the safety of the trainees.

    Dr. AlSaati has also indicated that this course is a free social initiative that seeks to enhance the awareness efforts to confront Corona Virus and aims to enrich the knowledge of the health practitioner. People who are interested in this field can benefit from this course and it will be available on the Medical Academy Virtualization website.

    It is worth mentioning that the Centre of Simulation and Clinical Skills Development at Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University is one of the largest simulation Centres in the world, where it can apply all the expected hypotheses using the latest devices and techniques available for medical simulation and virtual reality.