20.2 C
New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    The fourth industrial revolution: Robots becoming the teachers of tomorrow

    With the rapid advancement in technology, within 10 years, school teachers may be removed from their current job responsibilities and be assigned to roles similar to that of classroom assistants. They will be responsible for getting the equipment ready, provide aid to children and uphold restraint. On the other hand, artificial intelligent (AI) computers will be tasked with the critical role of inculcating knowledge into these adolescents.

    These robots are instilled with the capacity to be emotionally sensitive and offer personalisation to students throughout their education journey. The possibility of personalisation meant that these automatons can now modify its teaching style to suit the needs of each unique individual. Modifications are done by listening to the voices of students, reading their faces and studying them. As such, set courses that are currently applicable to all students will no longer be required in the future.

    These machines are also armed with the ability to identify and provide a specific degree of challenge catered to each learner’s interest. With the unique set of characteristics that the automatons possess, allowing them to teach and inspire, it led to a questionable need for human beings.

    Despite the astonishing ability of these robots, we cannot deny that they posed a significant threat to human beings. A wrong move with technology can result in us being eliminated from our jobs. Such an occurrence can lead to a decrement in life satisfaction as our degree of life satisfaction is positively correlated to the level of work gratification attained.