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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    IBAT College Dublin offers Flexible Learning with Launch of Modular MBA

    IBAT College Dublin, Ireland’s leading enterprise-focused third level institution, today announced the launch of its Modular MBA designed to allow the completion of the programme on a module-by-module basis.

    This is aimed at providing executives with the flexibility to pursue continuing education while they work and reduce the financial burdens associated with obtaining an MBA.

    Accredited by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, IBAT’s Modular MBA consists of 6 modules that are based on specific learning around key management themes which includes Strategic Management, Digital Entrepreneurship, and Finance for Managers.

    The fees for each module is €1,800 and this is paid before the start of each module. For students, this means that the financial outlay for the Modular MBA program is limited to the cost of each module.

    With classes delivered on campus once a week, IBAT’s Modular MBA is designed to allow students to take breaks or pauses between modules. This provides students with total flexibility and control of their schedules – enabling participants to continue working during the completion of the coursework while being able to apply their newfound skills immediately back in their workplace.

    In addition to this, the 6 modules offered as Modular MBA serve as standalone courses too. Students can choose to study some of the modules and achieve qualifications for each module separately. Alternatively, students may also elect to continue with the MBA program after each module is completed.

    Commenting on the new program, Boaz Arbel, Joint Interim Managing Director at IBAT College Dublin said: “IBAT’s Modular MBA is truly innovative in structure. With the high costs generally associated with obtaining an MBA, students in the modular program pay for one module at a time. This gives our students peace of mind from a financial standpoint.

    “Furthermore, the ability for students to take breaks between modules offers great flexibility for our students as well as gives them the choice to tailor their MBA by choosing which module to study first. With the reduced financial stress and flexibility that we offer, we look forward to welcoming students to the program and supporting them in their MBA journey with us.”

    Established in 2004, IBAT College Dublin offers undergraduate, postgraduate, English language courses and professional education within a state-of-the-art learning environment across a range of subject areas including business, accounting, ICT and management. IBAT’s alumni hold positions in key sectors and companies including Diageo, AIB Bank, Paypal, Morgan Stanley, and more.