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    A global power shift to Asia leads to a change in international student mobility

    Participate in the 13th QS-APPLE to find out the new directions in Asia-Pacific education and how it affects universities within and outside the region. 

    A global power shift to Asia leads to a change in international student mobility

    The economic and population growth have led to an observed shift in global power towards Asia, Africa and Latin America. A greatly competent workforce made up of graduates from top-notch universities and colleges are reasons to the growing economy.

    Many international students continue to seek degrees at established western universities. However, there have been a distinct drop in foreign enrollments. On the contrary, universities in Asia are attracting an increasing number of international students, particularly from within the region.

    Distinguished higher education institutions in the US and UK used to be able to depend on their reputations to appeal to international students. However, there is a notably shift as an increasing number of international students begin opting for destinations nearer to home. These Asian universities provide equally high-quality degrees at a more affordable rate. In addition, they bring about greater job opportunities upon graduation.

    Effective and goal-driven governance in Asia are the driving force behind the increasing number of domestic and international enrollments in higher education. In 2016, China successfully hosted 442,773 international students (an 11.4% increment from 2015); thereby making it a strong competitor against Canada for the fourth position as a destination market after US, UK and Australia.

    The shift in economic and political power are critical factors for the change in students’ attention towards Asia. As such, students from both Asia and the west will gradually consider Asian universities for education away from home.

    Source: ICEF