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Saturday, May 4, 2024
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    ITS Student Team Wins Two Trophies at the Go Kart National Championship

    The Go Kart National Championship Round 3 and 4 were held for two days on September 5-6 by Fast Track Speedzone. The championship has several categories based on the age and type of machines, ranging from cadet class to senior.

    The Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Student Team consisted of students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, who are members of ITS Karting Club Machine (MKC). The ITS Student team was represented by Ishlah Muhammad Rahman as the driver.

    The ITS Student Team joined two categories, i.e. “Shifter university class” and “Shifter 150”. The event was held at Sentul International Karting Circuit, Bogor.

    In round 4, the ITS Student team earned fifth place in Shifter 150 and second place in Shifter University class. The team mentioned that they needed around two weeks to prepare for the race.

    This competition consisted of five stages, namely warm-up, qualifying time trial, heat, pre-final, and the last is final.

    Aprilia Ayu Wandari as a member of MKC’s Non-Technical Division explained that the team faced several problems during the competition. The engine performance dropped dramatically in the pre-final session. The team tried to do thorough checking, from the fuel intake, ignition system, etc.

    In the future, the team hopes that they can make better preparation, both technical and non-technical things.