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New York
Friday, May 3, 2024
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    Center of Business Development Technology Opens at SUSU

    In September, the School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University is opening a unique-for-the-Ural-region Center of Business Development Technology for the implementation of interactive education programs. In this Center, students of SUSU together with employees of the leading regional enterprises will be mastering such modern concepts as Quick Response Manufacturing, Agile, Lean Manufacturing, etc.

    Doctor of Economic Sciences Yulia Babanova told us about the advantages of the new Center:

    “We are creating a Center in which attendees will be mastering the newest control technology using simulated imitation learning, i.e. learning through action. This Center is the first specialized applied education complex in Chelyabinsk, intended for proactive training of executives and the key employees of enterprises as well as students on the basis of simulated industrial and managerial processes.”

    Applied education complex is a specially equipped space where manufacturing process is simulated; conditions of the process are similar to real life due to the simulation equipment and organization of learning process. There is no theory. Practical learning starts with a distinctly described industrial situation which needs to be improved during the course of studying.

    “For example, a team is required to produce a batch of fuel pumps in a certain period of time, and then, after analyzing the mistakes and learning about management technology, the team will elaborate a variant of production process organization which helps to decrease the time for achieving the goal.”

    At the end of studying on Center’s programs students will defend real-life industrial projects involving executives of enterprises and departments and also consultants.