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    The achievements of IPB University alumni in various sectors

    IPB University alumni are known for their integrity, innovation, and inspiration. The alumni, who are spread in various fields, play an important role in the nation’s life. Not only at the far reaches of the archipelago but all over the world.

    Haidhar Wurjanto’s fight to raise the name Esteh Indonesia is one of the alumni’s achievements in Indonesia. Haidhar rose to prominence at a young age. It began with a modest product idea that many people liked, and it eventually grew into something unique. “Never underestimate your own ideas, even if you think they are too simple,” Haidhar advised.

    Esteh Indonesia quickly gained popularity on social media because of its simplicity. With strong integrity, the founder of Esteh Indonesia never gave up, and Haidhar Wurjanto was eventually able to promote Esteh Indonesia to join global markets.

    However, Haidhar possesses more than just virality as an advantage. He started thinking about a sustainable business and an effort to adapt, building big dreams in the market until he was able to grow 20 outlets to 100 outlets, 250 outlets, and 800 outlets between 2021 and 2022.

    Read more of his story at www.prestigeonline.com/id/40-under-40/haidhar-wurjanto/

    In the academic field, IPB University is very proud of the role and achievements of Prof. Anuraga Jayanegara, one of the professors of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at IPB University. His name has just been included in the “Top 2% Scientists in the World” or “2% Most Influential Researchers in the World in 2022” list. There are many criteria that must be met to be included in this ranking. Elsevier BV assesses more than 100 thousand researchers around the world for ranking. So, it really is something to be proud of when this alumnus makes it to the list. Learn more about this alumnus at https://www.detik.com/edu/edutainment/d-6373956/guru-besar-ipb-masuk-daftar-peneliti-paling-berpengaruh-di-dunia.

    Putri Ernawati Abidin’s name is now recognized throughout the international community as a result of her production of high-quality sweet potato seeds. Likewise, the sweet potatoes produced are highly competitive, allowing them to enter the international market. The CEO of Reputed Agriculture for Development Stichting and Foundation’s activities and achievements can be found at: https://www.alumniipbpedia.id/post/putri-ernawati-abidin and https://mediaindonesia.com/ekonomi/523118/penggunaan-bibit-unggul-ubi-jalar-agar-tembus-pasar-ekspor.

    Dr. Arief Budiono’s brilliance as an academic and researcher is recognized for being able to explain the core of the science of human embryology by studying Koranic explanation. Read Arief Budiono’s outstanding profile and unique ideas on: https://www.alumniipbpedia.id/post/arief-boediono https://edukasi.sindonews.com/read/409710/211/pakar-ipb-university-kaji-penjelasan-alquran-tentang-ilmu-embriologi-manusia-1619453041?showpage=all.

    The name Tri Mumpuni remains inspiring. She is the only Indonesian to be included in the list of the 22 most influential Muslim scientists in the world for 2021. She is well-known for her success in promoting community development through the provision of local energy. Her achievements and work can be found at: https://www.goodnewsfromindonesia.id/2021/12/20/menerjang-aral-demi-terangi-desa-dari-gelap-gulita-tri-mumpuni-saya-mendapat-kebahagiaan

    Sunarso, an IPB University alumnus who specializes in the banking industry, has demonstrated his abilities in the face of difficult global economic situations. Sunarso has produced the finest performance as the Main Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BRI, making a net profit while in charge of BRI.

    Sunarso has made many achievements as a leader in the banking industry. One of them is the prestigious Best CEO with Distinction award for the Company With More Than 1,000 Employees category at the Indonesia Best CEO 2022 event. Sunarso is recognized for his ability to guide BRI’s growth in the face of tremendous challenges such as technological disruption and the Covid-19 crisis. Check out Sunarso’s achievements and success in protecting the banking sector from the crisis: https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1660561/bri-borong-penghargaan-sunarso-jadi-ceo-of-the-year also on https://www.inews.id/finance/bisnis/leadership-kuat-bawa-dirut-bri-sunarso-jadi-indonesia-best-ceo-2022 about his journey being named Best of the Best “Marketeer of the Year 2022”. ***