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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Thammasat University’s Rector discusses the impact of COVID-19 on education at the annual EFMD Board Meeting

    On October 3rd, Rector Gasinee Witoonchart, Thammasat University,  was welcomed by the EFMD Board of Trustees as the new board member at the annual EFMD board meeting. On the agenda were discussions on the impacts of COVID-19 on business education.

    As the only representative from Thailand, Rector Gasinee shared how Thai universities are developing online platforms to ensure high-quality knowledge delivery.

    “Virtual international exchanges and short programs represent remedies to curb declined mobility due to travel restrictions,” she said.

    EFMD discussed how joint PhD programs are an avenue for future collaboration models in business education. In this regard, EFMD will be establishing a central platform for partners to join in grooming future business researchers. Although exchange agreements serve as an initial mean to internationalize institutions, dual degree and joint degree programs will bring partnerships to a whole new level.

    On November 22nd, Thammasat University and EFMD will be holding the Thammasat & EFMD Seminars on Partnerships for SDGs where participants include top management from over 50 business schools in the ASEAN region and Southern China. This event will showcase how long-lasting collaborations among academic institutions and corporates promote sustainable learning models to achieve SDGs.