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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    University of South Australia launches Global Executive MBA in Defence and Space

    The University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia has partnered with the University of Exeter (UK) and Carnegie Mellon University (USA) to launch the...

    How AI can deliver personalised learning and transform academic assessment

    The rise of AI-powered tools has sparked alarm among educators, and triggered conversations about its possible detriment to teaching and learning. Researchers from the...

    Vitamin D deficiency leads to dementia

    Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide, affecting thinking and behaviours as you age. But what...

    Déjà brew? Another shot for lovers of coffee

    Long black, espresso, or latte, whatever your coffee preference, drink too much and you could be in hot water, especially when it comes to...

    Wiring the Quantum Computer of the Future: Researchers from Japan and Australia propose a novel 2D design

    The basic units of a quantum computer can be rearranged in 2D to solve typical design and operation challenges. Efficient quantum computing is expected...