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New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Post-pandemic academic, student exchange program between UiTM SIS and Indonesia Top Education University

    A seven-member delegation led by Associate Professor Dr Saidatul Akmar Ismail of the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia attached to Education University of Indonesia (locally known as Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia – UPI) for three months beginning April to June 2022. Since WHO allowed the open-up of international borders for foreign visitors, this was the first “physical” outbound activity that bridged UiTM with the international universities. The delegation from the School of Information Science (SIS), College of Computing, Informatics, and Media (formerly known as Faculty of Information Management) was the first to set foot in Bandung City where UPI is located. They were attached to the Faculty of Education Studies, Program of Librarianship and Information Studies.

    The delegation had the opportunity to participate in faculty activities, such as educational visits to national library, city library, school library, historic museum and archives, students of core academic courses (library management and cataloguing & classification), and other international student-related activities. The academic staff invited as expert speakers and lecturers to the academic and students’ events. The 100% commitment and agile move of the SIS outbound activities are beyond expectations, provide a tremendous effect on the SIS’s academic experience, perspectives, and thus, raise the profile of UiTM and SIS in the field of library and information management.

    During the outbound activities, the outbound academic and UPI faculty members discussed the possibilities of undertaking joint collaborative academic and research programs between UPI Bandung, West Java and UiTM Malaysia. In addition, there is a need for producing skilled graduates at both the universities through training and internship programs, awarded with certification or outbound certificate for librarianship. This competency certification will add value to this outbound program.

    SIS is committed to providing quality education. With the international mobility programs, this platform enables the SIS’s internationalization goal to escalate, the inter-university partnerships intensify, and thus, the UiTM’s presence abroad soar. It is hoped that more SIS academics and students, in particular, would participate in the global academics’ and students’ exchange activities and gain a new horizon of knowledge, exposure, and network.

    TAGS #Universiti Teknologi MARA #Pusat Pengajian Sains Maklumat #School of Information Science #College of Computing, Informatics and Media #UiTM #SIS #SISiSchool