At the School of Pharmacy of the Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, was completed the scientific project “Development of a phytosubstance from domestic plant raw materials with a cardiotonic effect”, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop a plant-based drug of medicinal herb Ziziphora bungeana Juz., which has many pharmacological effects.
The object of the study was the annual or perennial, herbaceous or sub-shrub plant Ziziphora bungeana, which grows in central Asia, western China, Altai, Mongolia and other countries.
The genus Ziziphora L. of the Lamiaceae family includes about 30 plant species.
Plants of Ziziphora are rich in essential oils, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, glycosides, resins, tannins, and organic acids are also isolated.
As part of the project, joint scientific research to study the chemical composition and pharmacological properties of this herb was carried out with the State Medical University of Lublin (Poland), St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical University (Russia), and Masaryk University (Czech Republic). Based on the results of research using in vivo methods, The antimicrobial, antioxidant and cardiotropic properties of Z. bungeana extracts have been established in vitro. The cardiotropic activity was confirmed by the results of Echocardiography, Electrocardiogram, and histological analysis. The results obtained confirm the prospects of the research object for the development of effective drugs from natural raw materials.
The results of studies on the medicinal herb by Z. bungeana were published in the highly rated scientific journals: Ethnopharmacology, Molecules with quartiles Q1, Q2 and a patent was received from the Eurasian Patent Office.
Medicines based on domestic natural raw materials help reduce import dependence and allow expanding the arsenal of domestic products on the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.