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    Foreign languages in the context of uninterrupted learning

    Learning a foreign language in the modern world is one of the important components of the moments in the life of a modern, successful person. Knowledge of a foreign language is not just desirable, it is necessary. Today there are more and more people who want to know a foreign language, because this knowledge gives them new opportunities and makes their spiritual world wealthy.

    Ideally, an educated, ambitious person should know several foreign languages, constantly grind and improve them, because learning foreign languages is not a monotonous process. This is a creative, exciting activity that develops a worldview, allows you to improve logical thinking, the ability to express your thoughts briefly and clearly.

    As a result of global changes in the social life of Kazakhstan, as well as around the world, the role of a foreign language in the education system has changed. From a simple academic subject, it has become a basic element of the modern education system, a means of achieving professional realization of the individual.

    The new socio-economic and political situation requires the implementation of a language policy in the field of foreign language education aimed at meeting both social and personal needs in relation to foreign languages. With the implementation of the new language policy is associated with the creation of a flexible system of choice of languages and conditions of their study, as well as a variable system of forms and means of teaching, reflecting the current state of the theory and practice of teaching a foreign language. In this regard, the study of a foreign language in the system of additional education has become widespread. A growing number of companies and institutions are in need of specialists with foreign language skills, and the demand for languages encourages teachers and business people to open foreign language courses, language canters and other educational institutions offering foreign language training services.

    Foreign languages in the context of globalization and internationalization of society and education.The education system has entered the XXI century in the process of reform in which we expect a new reality, new opportunities, new problems and new challenges.

    First, it is a sharp increase in the pace of social change. Secondly, it is globalization and the universalization of political, cultural and economic life, the emergence of an increasingly united, interconnected and diverse human civilization. Third, it is a sharp increase in the role of information technology, the formation of information dominant development of society and production.

    Global trends in recent decades are inextricably linked to two phenomena: globalization and the internationalization of society. Both processes are in the area of close scientific attention and are inextricably linked with significant technological and social changes in the last quarter of the XX century.

    The process of globalization observed by the whole world means the emergence of a hybrid world culture, the mixing of national traditions, the strengthening of cooperation between nations and manifests itself in the unification and unification of various aspects of people’s life – their worldview and outlook, needs and work skills, politics and economy, social life and production, science and education, culture and art, religion and language, statehood and lifestyle, ecology and demography, sports and crime, etc. Globalization covers almost all spheres of life of people on the globe, and, accordingly, its manifestations in each of these areas should be studied by all scientific areas that specialize in the relevant field of human life and activity.

    Globalization and internationalization are two interrelated processes that lead to the transformation of society into new forms. Internationalization is based on cross-communication and exchange between divided Nations. By definition, the internationalization of education at the national, sectoral and institutional levels is understood as the process by which the goals, functions and organization of educational services acquire an international dimension. The concept of internationalization in higher education in international practice traditionally includes two aspects: “internal” internationalization and “external” internationalization, or education abroad, cross-country education, cross-border education (education abroad, across borders, cross-border education).

    The internationalization of higher education creates new opportunities, increases the availability of higher education and its quality, the introduction of innovative methods of work in higher education. Based on the achievements of international cooperation, internationalization, in turn, contributes to its strengthening. Internationalization of education pursues various goals, including: diversification and growth of financial revenues through attracting foreign students for paid education; expansion of curricula and training of its students in foreign partner universities; expansion of the regional network of the University for the effective use of its resources; improving the quality of education and research through the participation of students and teachers in the international process of knowledge exchange, etc. The development of international inter-University cooperation allows to organize joint research projects, exchange programs for students and teachers, special programs for foreign students.

    Internationalization of education includes the following forms of international cooperation:

    • individual mobility: mobility of students or faculty for educational purposes;
    • mobility of educational programs and institutional mobility; formation of new international standards of educational programs;
    • integration into the curriculum of international measurement and educational standards;
    • institutional partnership: the creation of strategic educational alliances.

    Language globalization proceeds from the fact that language is a means of human communication and has a consequence of the development of multilingualism.  Political, socio-economic and cultural changes in Kazakhstan have significantly expanded the functions of a foreign language. As a result, the role of a foreign language in society has changed, and from an academic subject it has become a basic element of the modern education system, a means of achieving professional realization of the individual.

    The changes that have occurred in recent decades in Kazakhstan have turned the country from a closed, focused only on its own strength and reserves, to a state open to the world. The need for contacts with representatives of other countries has increased at all levels. In connection with the integration of Kazakhstan into the world economic and cultural area, with the expansion and qualitative change of international relations adequate to the historical moment the knowledge of foreign languages becomes one of the important competencies of modern man. Foreign language opens the way to free communication of people of different nationalities, rapprochement of cultures, mutual understanding.

    In accordance with the “Concept of modernization of Kazakhstan education” formulated a new language policy of the state. The modern system of foreign language teaching, according to this policy, is characterized by the fact that, firstly, practical knowledge of a foreign language has become an urgent need for the general public, and, secondly, the general social context creates favorable conditions for the differentiation of foreign language teaching. With the implementation of the new language policy is associated with the creation of a flexible system of choice of languages and conditions of their study, as well as a variable system of forms and means of learning, reflecting the current state of the theory and practice of learning.

    Knowledge of a foreign language is now becoming one of the conditions of professional competence. Knowledge of foreign languages, especially English as a language of international communication, is relevant for all Kazakh young people who want to find a good job, to get in touch with the outside world, to improve their cultural knowledge. It is almost impossible to imagine the life of a modern person who does not know a foreign language, because most of the modern means of communication and communication are focused on people who in one way or another speak the language. Knowledge of at least one foreign language broadens the mind, allows you to learn more about the culture and customs of another people. Foreign language is not only a means of communication, but also a condition for successful interaction of both individuals and different countries in the world in terms of economic, political, military and cultural integration.

    Socio-cultural processes associated with the entry of the world community in the era of information, the development of telecommunication technologies, the need for rapid adaptation to the conditions of a constantly changing multicultural world increase interest in the subject “foreign language”. Throughout history, the study of languages has been regarded as an absolute element of cultural education. Due to the global changes in the political and economic life of society, a foreign language has become a means of intercultural communication.

    Hence, in conclusion the modern dynamic world is developing so that an educated person becomes more difficult to do without foreign languages.

    In this article we have seen that the motives and reasons for the study of foreign languages, that is, the interests of the consumer of educational services in foreign languages, in the era of internationalization and globalization are diverse. This is especially important in the development of uninterrupted foreign language education programs, as it helps to determine the target audience and consumer demand.