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    Graduate career opportunities in the Netherlands

    UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA NEWS – Center for Career and Entrepreneurship Development (PPKK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has held a seminar on “Career Challenges and Opportunities in the Netherlands” at UNAIR Campus B Library, Parlinah Hall. The event was held on Monday, August 19, 2019.

    Dr. Surya Suryadi, M.A., had the opportunity to speak at the event. He is a faculty member and researcher at Leiden University, the Netherlands.

    On that occasion, Dr. Suryadi said there are open career opportunities in Leiden and the Netherlands. Opportunities to continue to master’s and doctoral and S3 are also plenty.

    “Of course all fields have job opportunities in the Netherlands,” he said.

    He also said that there are more employment opportunities in the field of social and humanities in the Netherlands year by year. Even though the Netherlands is not a country with a Muslim majority, Islamic education also has its career opportunities. In the Netherlands, women also have their own jobs openings. It could be an excellent opportunity for Indonesian women.

    During an interview with UNAIR NEWS team, Dr. Suryadi said that students from Indonesia had great opportunities in the Netherlands, both in the academic and non-academic fields.

    “So, actually the opportunity is the same as elsewhere. However, the requirements for competence must be met, including English language skills, a minimum TOEFL score of 700, “he said.

    “If there is a will, there must be a way,” stated Dr. Suryadi closing the seminar.

    The Leiden University graduate also shared tips for students who want to continue their education and career in the Netherlands.  Dr. Suryadi suggested the students visiting the Indonesia Nederland Youth Society (INYS) website. INYS itself is a community that connects Dutch and Indonesian youth.

    This organization also provides information about career opportunities and scholarships in the Netherlands, including information on Dutch language courses.

    The event attended by 80 UNAIR students was one of a series of Airlangga Career Club (ACC) programs. PPKK UNAIR regularly organizes similar activities aimed to provide an overview and prepare students for their careers after graduation. (*)