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Thursday, May 2, 2024
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    UNUSA Receives PPG-SD PPL Phase I Students

    This morning, Friday (4/11/2019) cheerful faces appeared to enter the Fastron room, 3rd floor of Campus B Nahdhatul Ulama University Surabaya (Unusa). They are field experience program (PPL) students in primary school teacher education (PPG-SD) professions.

    Their joy because in the room was held a handover of PPG-SD PPL students in Unusa Phase I positions to the Partner School. After before they followed the online learning system, workshops, and continued with PPL.

    The handover activities were attended by 79 student participants, 18 partner school principals and 10 supervisors.

    Vice Rector I Unusa Prof. Dr. Kacung Marijan MA expressed his gratitude to all present. Unusa has been given such high trust in the participation of students in the certification program. Likewise the principals who have partnered with Unusa.

    “I really appreciate the enthusiasm of the participants during the learning process. Don’t be bored to learn, so that our students also have a high enthusiasm to continue learning, “he said giving a welcome speech.

    According to the Head of Study Program at PGSD Unusa Sri Hartati for phase I, participants were participated by 79 students from all East Java. After attending online learning and workshops, they will take part in PPL April 15-May 4 2019 and continue the examination on May 12, 2019.

    “After stage I, now PPG-SD Unusa stage II participants are studying online and workshops. The number is 75 participants. Tomorrow I will go to Jakarta to prepare for the stage III participants, “said the woman who always appeared agile.

    Meanwhile, one of the Miftahorrozi participants, a grade 3 teacher at SD Bindang I Pasean, Pamekasan, admitted that he had prepared himself to take part in the PPL until the exam next month. “Hopefully it can pass and get certification,” he said, who joined PPG-SD in Unusa with 25 teachers from Pamekasan.