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    Universitas Airlangga Hospital Launches Book on HIV / AIDS Management

    UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA NEWS – As a part of health education event, UNAIR Hospital has just launched a book on comprehensive and up-to-date management of HIV / AIDS cases, The Latest, Comprehensive and Multidisciplinary HIV / AIDS Management. The book launching was carried out on the first day of a Symposium on HIV / AIDS Management on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at Isyana & Rajasa Ballroom, Bumi Surabaya City Resort.

    The book was written by 71 contributors and lecturers of Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR. However, besides doctors, pharmacists and nurses were also involved in the book production. The aim of this book release is to achieve a comprehensive management of HIV / AIDS.

    “We make this book as an information for professionals, especially those who have limited  access, such as health professionals outside Java, “ explained Cahyo Wibisono Nugroho, dr., Sp. PD. FINASIM, chief executive of symposium and book launching.

    “Because, this one book can provide education from various fields of health so health professionals with limited access can still provide best services to patients,” Cahyo added.

    In the field, various professionals cannot work alone. Therefore, UNAIR Hospital considers it necessary to unite the vision and mission of health professionals. Therefore, the patient services, especially to HIV patients, can be carried out optimally. One form of unifying the vision and mission is through the book.

    The book brings advantages. It is the only book in Indonesia that addresses HIV / AIDS management from various fields. It is a systematic research and references based on Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) rather than Testimonial Based Medicine (TBM).

    “There are many books focuses on HIV / AIDS material. However, this one is comprehensive where we discuss from various sides. This book is the only one in Indonesia, “Cahyo said.

    In addition to explaining general information on HIV / AIDS, the contents of the book also include management of HIV / AIDS from various fields such as in the fields of internal medicine, surgery, dermatology and venereology, lung, heart and blood vessels, neurology, ophthalmology, ENT health, child health, anesthesia and reanimation, and mental health sciences. It includes an explanation on supportive therapy and exam for HIV / AIDS as well as additional material on HIV / AIDS.

    “This book explains everything, so we hope this book is enough to provide an optimal management to patients of HIV / AIDS,” Cahyo said.

    The discussion about the book was carried out by various fields and according to their respective expertise. So, hopefully with the book, health services in Indonesia will be much better. So even through there are no medical specialists in remote areas, maximum health services can still be implemented.

    “With the book, the puskesmas general practitioner can manage HIV patients in their place, even with limited resources,” concluded Cahyo. (*)