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Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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    Green Gala: Embodying Gen-Z’s concern for environmental conservation through eco living, waste recycling

    In several past decades, climate change and environmental degradation have become pressing global issues. The increasing population growth rate, along with the increasing human activities in the environment. This has become a major factor in the pollution and exploitation of natural resources.

    According to data released by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, by 2023, there will be 19.56 million tons of waste per year, 27.56% of which will be untreated. The data shows how sad the waste produced by humans every day is, some of which cannot be processed properly.

    During this challenge, the concept of Eco-Living or an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle has emerged as a promising solution to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the earth. Not just a trend, this concept is a philosophy of life that promotes environmentally friendly practices, such as recycling and the use of environmentally friendly products.

    Based on this phenomenon and in commemoration of World Environment Day, Merakee Organizer, an event organizer from Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), led by Farhan Alvadin Lubis as project manager along with its members, namely Anna Fauziah Pane, Quisha Rahma Chandra, Sandrina Humaira, Azzahra Dwi Prananda, Niza Ervia Seftiawati, Salsabila Iriska Kusnin and Nur Jamiah Nasution, created an event that raised environmental issues and sustainable lifestyles entitled Green Gala as a form of their concern for environmental conservation. The event was held on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at the Park of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU).

    Green Gala event aims to increase public awareness and participation in environmental conservation. Green Gala by Merakee Organizer is also part of the social project of the Event Organizer course in Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU).

    Green Gala has a series of interactive activities, began with a morning exercise led by Syah Hendra Mahadi, then continued with a clean-up session around the campus. After a short break, we present a talk show session under the theme Eco-Living: Way to Brighter Future by presenting spectacular speakers who are very concerned on environmental issues, namely Dr. Mayang Sari Yeanny, S.Si., M.Si, an academic from the Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Park, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), and Adelia Acasia Bangun, the Main North Sumatra Ambassador of Puteri Lingkungan 2023.

    The participants were also invited to take part in a plastic waste recycling workshop by making ecobricks. Ecobricks themselves are made from plastic bottles containing plastic waste. Ecobricks can be used as an alternative to brick products to build buildings and household furniture.

    “We know that plastic waste is a major problem in Indonesia, especially in Medan City. Through this activity, we hope people are able to sort and utilize plastic waste wisely. This activity is expected for all young generation to love and protect the environment more, starting by stop littering,” said Farhan Alvadin Lubis, Project Manager of Merakee Organizer.

    The Green Gala event was also fully supported by the Directorate of Student Achievement and Alumni Affairs of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and successfully collaborated with Communication Science Student Association (IMAJINASI) Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and attracted participants and communities from all over Medan, not only from USU but from other universities and the ones who care about environmental conservation issues.