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    Minister-in-Charge of Smart Nation outlines Singapore’s approach to IoT

    Previously, at the IoT Asia 2018 Conference, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister-in-Charge of Smart Nation Dr Vivian Balakrishnan shared the ideology on Singapore’s route to the Internet of Things (IoT).

    Technology advances such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, big data and blockchain are influencing the existing values, shifting profits and wealth and disrupting jobs. Technology is the real revolution and transformation, therefore, without sufficient knowledge and comprehension of it will lead to sense of job insecurity, competition and level of uncertainty.

    The disposition of IoT to forge value can be achieved through the following objectives: (1) to improve security and reliability of services consumed by citizens, (2) to enhance quality and scope of services available to citizens, (3) to increase business opportunities and boost overall competitiveness of the economy.

    As such, Singapore’s plan to measures of IoT include key principles such as (1) avoiding vendor lock-in (2) defining open standards (3) use of modular platforms (4) provision of plug-and-play architecture (5) security by design.

    Currently, the presence of walled gardens is the main obstacle for the implementation of IoT globally; and is therefore, the responsible of Governments and public officials to prevent being trapped by vendors behind the walled gardens. To do so, regulators will have to be up-to-date of technology and sufficiently comprehend and be firm on standards so that the nation can prevent being in the situation of walled gardens and vendor lock-in. Further, with the paradigm shift in technology calls for a need for modular platforms.

    It is also Government’s duty to provide infrastructure, especially connectivity before the provision of plug-and-play architecture so that one can programme his or her products and services according to be compatible with the said architecture.

    Lastly, the emergence of technology means that we are more susceptible to security threats.  It makes countries extremely vulnerable to the loss of privacy and security which can disrupt the fundamental public infrastructure. Therefore, emphasis has been placed on the early inclusion of security into products and services by design; and this will require extensive knowledge of technology, programming and design.

    However, all in all, what is most important is the provision of significant training and skills to people, businesses and leaders to progress at the same rate as technology in order to survive this technological and digital revolution.

    Source: Open Gov

    Participate in the upcoming QS in conversation – “University-Public Sector Partnerships: Smart Cities” which will be held from 3-5 October 2018 in Singapore.