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    Students of Communication Study Program of President University Snatched the 2nd Place in the Essay Competition “Padjadjaran Fest and Conference 2019”

    Students of Communications Study Program of President University Andre Rizky Ramadhan, Esra Freswita Ambarita, and Jonathan Dante successfully took the second place home in an essay writing competition that was part of the Padjajaran Fest and Conference, an annual event held by the Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. This competition that was held on 11-13 November 2019 raised the theme “Strengthening the Indonesian Border towards Better Development of Indonesia”.

    From a number of available subthemes, Andre, Esra, and Jonathan chose tourism as their essay’s subtheme. After conducting a survey and research from various newspapers and other sources, the three students found that the concept of nation branding in Indonesia has yet reached its optimum point. Because of that, they expressed their idea to leverage public awareness on the importance of maintaining tourism potential in border areas such as Atambua, Liran, and Tuamese.

    The essay that they had submitted did not instantly take them into the winning podium. After submitting their essay, they had to present it in Bandung. Facing well-known universities such as Unpad, IPB, ITK, UB, UNNES, and UGM did not make them waver. With confidence, they managed to successfully finish their presentation and took home the second place.

    “I am really grateful for this achievement. This achievement motivated us more to contribute fresh and innovative ideas in supporting the development of Indonesia,” Esra said.

    In line with Esra, Andre also expressed his happiness and hoped that his friends can follow their steps. “For everyone else, just go for it, don’t be afraid about everything. It is also important to find someone who shares the same vision with you and equally support you in increasing academic achievement,” Andre explained.