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    FKIK-UAJ became the Grand Winner of The Regional Medical Olympiad 2019

    The team of students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (FKIK-UAJ) has successfully become the grand winner at the Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) 2019 which was held on 23rd-25th August 2019 by the FKIK-UAJ.

    As the host, FKIK-UAJ successfully won over 16 universities in the area of the Association of Medical Student Body of Indonesia region II. The victory was achieved after the team came out as the first winner in three categories from 6 available classes.

    The three achievements were the first winner of the Category of Digestive by Caroline Tanadi (batch 2017) and Theressa Kristiayu Permatasari (batch 2016), the first winner of the Category of Neuropsychiatric by Harvey Sudharta (batch 2016) and Gabriella (batch 2016), and the first winner of the Category of Cardiorespiratory by Ignatius Ivan (batch 2016) and Gabriel Tandexci (batch 2018).

    In the other categories, Mitchel (batch 2016) and Sabrina Danica (batch 2017) became the second winner at the Category of Musculoskeletal; Rennie Yolanda (batch 2016) and Leonardo (batch 2016) became the second winner at the Category of Urogenital; and Fanny Budiman (batch 2016) and Rivaldi Ruby (batch 2018) became the semifinalist at the Category of Tropical Infection. 

    RMO is an annual medical olympiad held by the Association of Medical Student Body of Indonesia region II, including Jakarta, West Java, and West Kalimantan, to provide opportunities for medical students to compete. 

    The journey of the FKIK-UAJ team to reach the final stage of RMO 2019 was not an easy one. They had to pass three stages: elimination round, semifinal round, and final round.

    This exceptional achievement was also due to the hard work from supervisor lecturers and other mentors. As the supervisor, dr. Anton Sumarpo, Ph. D., felt very proud and hoped that through this victory, it would encourage other students to keep competing and try to reach achievements in future competitions.

    “I am proud that our students can come out as the grand winner for the first time. This is the result of the hard work from all FKIK educators and delegates from previous years, which gave their full commitment to mentor their juniors. This is everyone’s victory,” said dr. Anton. 

    RMO 2019 has ended, but the FKIK-UAJ team will face the Indonesia International Medical Olympiad (IMO) in the upcoming 1.5 months. Hopefully, the achievement from the regional Olympiad can be the benchmark for the FKIK-UAJ team to work hard in preparing themselves for the IMO.

    Congratulations on the achievement, we hope it can be motivation for other FKIK-UAJ students to keep aiming for performances. Go FKIK-UAJ!