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    UNAIR Nursing Lecturers and Students Explore Partnership with UMMC Malaysia

    UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA NEWS – Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) conducted a visit and a student exchange at University of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Malaysia, on Tuesday, October 8, 2019. The student exchange will be held for ten days starting on Monday, October 7, 2019.

    There were ten representatives from FKp participating in the activity, Dr. Makhfudli S.Kep., Ns., M.Ked.Trop and Dr. Abu Bakar M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.MB as lecturer representatives. Then Rahmatul Fitriyah as the representative of master’s degree students.

    There were also seven undergraduate students, Rahmalia Hidayanti (Rahmalia), Halfie Zaqiyah Gusti P, Chusnul Hotimah, Nabila Rahma Ulinnuha, Mustika Milenia Dwi T, Yosevin Karunia Nababan and Muhammad Fikri Alfaruq.

    “The purpose of the visit was to establish partnership between UNAIR Faculty of Nursing and UMMC Malaysia and to observe and learn from UMMC,” Rahmalia explained.

    There are several results obtained from the visit, such as some collaboration with UMMC, knowing the difference between UMMC and RSUA, and getting motivation to develop studies at UNAIR.

    There are at least three forms of partnership, an exchange program of students in each year, community service program, and guest lectures.

    “I am very happy for being able to participate in this activity. Besides being able to learn Malaysian culture, we can also study nursing here, make new friends, as well as expand networks and experience, “continued Rahmalia.

    In the future, after the visit, Rahmalia hoped to maintain good relations between UMMC and FKp UNAIR, not only academic relationships but also in the professional world.

    “Hopefully after this activity there will be new innovations for UNAIR hospitals and UNAIR in developing academic works and innovations later on,” she stated.