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New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Malaysia – Associate Professor Dr Wayan Suparta, a scientist from UKM’s Climate Change Institute proved a classic hypothesis wrong when he discovered lightning in Antarctica, on his expedition from 16 January to 28 February 2017.

    This is the first time that lightning has been detected in the Antarctic Peninsula which refutes the classical hypothesis that there is no lightning in Antarctica. The phenomenon was revealed after he installed the lightning sensor and Electric Field Mill (EMF) at Carlini Base in Antarctica last year, to measure lightning strikes and the strength of the electric field in the atmosphere near the continent’s thunderstorm clouds.

    Based on his study, he found that lightning strikes at EFM-100 above the earth’s surface (16–20km). His findings and observation will help improve the existing weather forecast model.

    UKM’s Institute of Climate Change has positioned itself as depository for data and monitoring matters related to climate and climate change. It intends to put Malaysia on the map for international politics, especially in matters pertaining to climate change and other related issues.