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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    KMU Professor Named Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing

    Internationally renowned scholars and co-authors of an influential nursing textbook titled, Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing, Professor Lorraine Walker and Emeritus Professor Kay Avant co-nominated Professor Fan-Hao Chou of Kaohsiung Medical University to become a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).

    In the nomination letter to FAAN, Emeritus Professor Kay Avant showered high praise for the efforts Professor Fan-Hao Chou has made to the nursing field, and said, “Professor Fan-Hao Chou is dedicated, creative, innovative, and energetic.  And she is an inventor!  That is rare in my experience and we need more like her.”

    Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the FAAN induction ceremony was conducted via live streaming, featuring a 40-second self-introduction video of each of the newly elected Academy Fellows.  The virtual Induction Ceremony was held at 5:00 p.m. (EST) on 31 October 2020.

    Becoming a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) is the highest honor for a person’s accomplishments in the American nursing profession.  From 2007 the American Academy of Nursing opened the nomination of nursing leaders from countries other than the United States to become an Academy Fellow.

    The elected Academy Fellows are leaders in the fields of nursing education, management, practice, and research.  Those who are nominated and invited to be Academy Fellows are recognized for their contribution to the nursing profession.