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New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    University of Petra wins the first prize at the Fifth-Year International Competition for the Reconstruction of Destroyed Palestinian Villages

    The University of Petra (UOP, Amman, Jordan) won the first prize in “The Fifth-Year International Competition for the Reconstruction of Destroyed Palestinian Villages”.

    The competition was organized by Palestine Land Society in the United Kingdom, which is an independent non-profit scholarly society dedicated to research and information-gathering on Palestine, the land, and its people.

    The society is concerned with: Palestine’s history, geography, culture, and society; Reviewing legal, economic, socio-political, and other related issues; Disseminating information by publishing books, maps, and academic papers on the subject; and Participating in all fora of events, conferences, and meetings that are concerned with the subject.

    The Faculty of Architecture and Design – Department of Architecture won the 1st prize among 22 projects submitted by 66 students from several universities around the world.

    The winning graduation project was entitled “The Gate of Return” for the reconstruction of Lubiya village – Tiberias by Lujain Zayed, under the supervision of Dr Amer Al-Jokhadar, and the teaching assistant Arch. Neamat Al-Dissi.

    The design aims to preserve the area’s historical, architectural, and ecological characteristics while also telling the village’s story and promoting the community’s sustainable development, through the incorporation of diverse activities, services, and employment opportunities.

    This award is a significant outcome due to commitment to excellence in education, social responsibility, research and innovation. Quality education, social responsibility and innovation have always been fundamental goals at UOP. To this effect, the University has worked out a robust strategic plan for the administration process of academic programs, scientific research and innovation; especially those projects that serve the community at large.

    As far as innovation is concerned, the University has established centres that aim at encouraging and motivating innovation and technology transfer projects that support students as well as staff, e.g. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, and Business Incubator (SIQ).