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    Universities-industry collaboration: A systematic review

    The partnership between universities and the industry is progressively deemed as a mean to improve innovation through knowledge exchange. This is distinct by a relatively upsurge in studies that explore the topic from different viewpoints. However, this body of knowledge is still characterised as divided and is short of adequate comprehensive representation. To address this gap, a systematic strategy was implemented to analyse the literature on universities-industry collaboration (UIC). The review led to the identification of five key areas which established the theory of UIC. These key elements unified into an overarching process model, which together with the review, provide a significant contribution by developing an integrated analysis of the state of literature in relation to this circumstance. Several research channels are reported as identified through the analysis.

    This study demonstrated that most of the reviewed papers are in fact cross-sectional studies. Hence, there is a necessity to administer longitudinal line of research to provide more details into the cause and effect dynamics and assist in reviewing the ‘value’ of all outcomes of these relationships in both short term and long-term scales.

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    Participate in the upcoming QS-APPLE 2019 under the theme of “Industrial-Revolution 4.0 and Ageing Societies: The Changing Roles of Universities in the Asia-Pacific” from 26-28 November 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan.