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    UiTM Negeri Sembilan holds Global Citizenship Fostering Program involving four international universities

    Cultivating global citizenship among students is an important effort that needs to be emphasized in order to produce a knowledgeable, responsible, and caring generation. These young people are valuable instruments and assets of the university that will shape the futureof the country and make a constructive contribution to the world. Based on these aspirations, UiTM Negeri Sembilan Branch is making strides through the Kuala Pilah Campus Chemistryand Environmental Studies by organizing the 6.0 series Global Outreach Program (GOP 6.0).

    This program was attended by more than 80 students and lecturers from four international universities namely Telkom University, Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas Islamic Indonesia and Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji who have camped for 5 days from 21 – 25 August 2023 located at UiTM Kuala Pilah Campus. Various activities have been designed with a focus on the scientific and personal development of the students with the theme of ‘Collaboration for Future Empowerment Education’. The students were found to be able to interact very well through the activities of Malaysia-Indonesia Colloquium, Presentation by Special Interest Group, Bilateral Discussion, Traditional Sports, 3 Minutes Research Presentation, Cultural Activities (theatre and dance performances) and International Community Service Program 2023 (ICSP ’23).

    Sharing experiences and knowledge obtained from each university is one aspect of fostering a global work culture. Through this GOP 6.0., Malaysia-Indonesia Colloquium was organized with presentation sessions by guest speakers from all universities. Among the topics reviewed are Oil Esters as Potential Emollient for Cosmeceutical Applications, Shaping Future: Biomedical and Healthcare Technologies, Application of Green Chemistry Principle in Organic Synthesis and Statistic and Forecasting in Chemistry: Unlocking Pattern and Prediction.

    In addition to scientific knowledge, the application of socio-cultural experience has also been taught through traditional sports activities, theatre performances and dance. The students were very committed and appreciated the experiences of socio-cultural sharing when a series of theatre performed by representatives of each university was shown at the closing session of the GOP 6.0 program. In addition, the attitude of belonging and respect for fellow human beings is also applied to students through traditional sports activities.

    The direction towards a more balanced global needs to be applied in the soul of every student. These students need to understand the aspects of empathy, respect and always be grateful. Through International Community Service 2023 organized by the Center for Chemistry and Environmental Studies together with the Faculty of Management and Business, UiTM Kuala Pilah Campus, a community program was successfully held together with CMH Specialist Hospital located at the Royal Gallery Tuanku Jaafar Seremban. Throughout the program, various activities were carried out such as free health screenings, health talks and information related to nutrition. Continuing the agenda of this program, UiTM Negeri Sembilan Branch and international university partners have distributed several wheelchairs to be used at CMH Specialist Hospital.

    Finally, the GOP 6.0 program aims to achieve UiTM’s aspirations as a Globally Renown University by 2025 by fostering cultural awareness and understanding among students in addition to encouraging students to explore and learn about the diversity of cultures, traditions and languages. Next, produce students who think globally by appreciating the richness of human diversity. It is hoped that programs like this can be continued in the future.