In March 2020, to curb the spread of the Covid-19 infection in Malaysia, the Malaysian Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, had imposed the Movement Control Order (MCO) which led to the closure of all pre-schools, public and private schools, as well as university institutions nationwide. Online and distance learning (ODL) replaced physical classes in the education system until 2021, and both students and educators were required to remain at home while classes were conducted virtually. Despite the drawbacks of ODL implementation, however, the challenge has successfully led to other achievements.
Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Utiliti Negeri (JPUN) Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang (UCPh) initiated an energy conservation management project during this period. While the students and staff were away from campus, the campus buildings and colleges were not fully operational. This was a great opportunity for PPII to analyze opportunities to enhance the campus’s energy conservation. By referring to the Dasar dan Garis Panduan Pengurusan Tenaga (the Energy Management Guide and Policy document) UCPh, JPUN had successfully accomplished the aim to improve the efficiency and conservation of energy, water, and fuel. UCPh also managed to comply with the Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 and Akta Bekalan Elektrik 1990.
In January, February and March 2020, when students and staff were still in campus, UCPh had spent RM278,922.03 (639,773.00 kWH), RM224,603.80 (488,079.00 kWH) and RM267,151.41 (583,044.00 kWH) respectively on electric consumption. However, beginning April 2020 when the first MCO was enforced, the bills reduced significantly until December 2020. UCPh had spent RM115,308.45 (289,764.00 kWH) in April 2020, RM120,658.61 (282,219.00 kWH) in May 2020, RM138,714.50 (317,305.00 kWH) in June 2020, RM151,885.91 (373,053.00 kWH) in July 2020, RM159,347.17 (377,390.00 kWH) in August 2020, 174,661.65 (418,066.00 kWH) in September 2020, RM183,710.97 (441,604.00 kWH) in October 2020, RM176,281.93 (418,598.00 kWH) in November 2020, and RM168304.70 (403330.00 kWH) in December 2020. UCPh had effectively reduced energy consumption by 44.49% and saved RM1,730,880.12 in electricity bills in 2020. This was acknowledged as a major achievement of the efforts made by UCPh, Pejabat Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Infostruktur (PPII) (the Office of Infrastructure Management and Infostructure), and the UCPh staff.
JPUN is now actively raising the awareness of energy consumption among the UCPh staff. Behavior adjustments are recognized to have the highest potential to drive utility savings and is very simple to perform. For instance, turning off lights or appliances when they are not needed, and minimizing the use of air conditioning at the office, can contribute not only to energy conservation, but help save the Earth. With the cooperation from PPII, traditional incandescent light bulbs are replaced with light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs), which utilize from 25 to 80 percent less electricity and last 3 to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. Even tough LEDs are more expensive, its higher efficiency and longer lifetime cost less in the long run. Although there are many other methods to conserve energy, from simple behavioral adjustments to extensive office improvements, these two actions to conserve energy in UCPh had successfully lowered the cost of utility bills and, at the same time, help protect the environment.
This initiative reflects UCPh’s initiative to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 and ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. To expand on energy access, it is crucial to enhance energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy. From 2021 until now, UCPh has begun to replace the main building’s energy consumption from traditional electricity to solar energy. This project also aligns with SDG 11 with the aim to renew and plan UCPh and other quarters in a way that offers opportunities for all with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and green public spaces, while reducing resource use and environmental impact.