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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    The next triumphal success of the collective Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

    June 19, 2019 published the results of the authoritative international rating agency QS. From this document it follows that the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took a high and worthy 207th place, which is without a doubt an outstanding achievement of the team. The university team over the past year has overcome as many as 13 steps, so last year the university held 220 seats, and this year already 207 places. Behind these high rates stands the titanic, systemic and organized work of the entire university staff under the guidance of a world-class manager, the rector of the KazNU. Al-Farabi, academician G.M. Mutanov and his team. We are very proud of our alma mater and sincerely wish you continued success and prosperity. Congratulations to the whole team of the university with this wonderful achievement.

    Al-Farabi KazNU has a huge and rich tradition, the accumulated experience in the organization of educational, scientific and educational work. This experience is an invaluable contribution to the treasury of higher education, science and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In my opinion, the rich experience of Al-Farabi KazNU can be reduced to the following main areas:

    – At the university throughout its formation and development, the focus was on the task of fundamental education and the training of highly qualified scientific personnel;

    – University graduates were focused on scientific, educational and social activities;

    – The university has adopted completely new methods of teaching and organizing scientific and educational activities from leading universities in foreign countries and has developed its own approaches on these problems.

    Today the university has new educational and scientific buildings, a technology park, a unique library and student center “Keremet”, its clinic and medical center, a sports complex and the list goes on, these facts indicate that the university has all the conditions for study, work and rest. The University meets its anniversary with outstanding achievements in the field of education, science, sport and culture.

    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, celebrating its glorious eighty-fifth anniversary, will continue to occupy its avant-garde place in the preparation of competent, highly skilled and competitive personnel in the interests of the prosperity of our native state.

    Department of Biophysics and Biomedicine, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

    Dr. of biological sciences, professor S.T. Tuleukhanov and Ph.D. Alibek Ydyrys