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New York
Saturday, September 21, 2024
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    Staff and students of UiTM Sarawak captivating international mobility in Indonesia

    UiTM Sarawak recently expanded its wings internationally by sending two academic staff and four undergraduate students in staff and students’ mobility program organised by the Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Indonesia from 17 November to 22 November 2019. Associate Profesor Dr. Corina Joseph from the Faculty of Accountancy was invited to deliver her keynote speech at the International Conference on Business, Accounting Supply Chain and Logistic (ICBASL 2019)  entitled “Advancing Environmental Sustainability in the Logistic Sector: Supply Chain Management Perspectives”. The conference was jointly organized by the Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret and the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association with a theme ‘The New Paradigm of Link and Match between Government, University and Industry’,  subsequently after the completion of students’ mobility program. Mr. Yussri bin Sawani, an accounting Senior Lecturer was also entrusted to share his expertise as a guest lecturer in the students’ mobility program on a topic entitled ‘Accounting and Business Environment in ASEAN Countries’.

    A total of 17 international students who participated in the program came from Madagascar, Malaysia, Kirgistan and the United Kingdom. The mobility program combined a series of lectures, expert talks, company visits, case study discussions, and a number of social and cultural events. It aims to benefit students and lecturers of the university partners to engage directly with Indonesia, its people, its culture, as well as issues surrounding Indonesia. It also aims to enrich students’ learning experience and help increase understanding by increasing direct engagement between Indonesia with partner universities, especially related to the economic environment in Indonesia.

    The program was designed to broaden the student’s perspective on social, economic and political issues through intensive courses in the classroom, meet with the CEO and visiting local and national companies. The participant learned from experts and entrepreneurs in Indonesia and see the process of production and distribution in order to understand the overall economic activity in Indonesia.