20.2 C
New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Singapore Management University Expands Regional Presence with Overseas Centre in Bangkok

    Singapore Management University (SMU) is taking a significant step in its mission to foster knowledge-sharing and regional collaboration with the opening of its second Overseas Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. SMU Overseas Centre Bangkok (OCB) will serve to catalyse, facilitate and coordinate for SMU in Thailand by leveraging the university’s expertise and offerings, cultivating its local network and creating opportunities for new collaborations and partnerships between SMU and Thai institutions. It will also connect interested parties such as businesses, academia and potential students with the various programmes SMU has to offer.

    This strategic move is part of SMU’s Vision 2025, through which it has committed to furthering growth in Asia by offering a deep understanding of Asia’s economy, polity and society that will contribute to the region’s social and economic development. It follows the successful launch of SMU’s first overseas centre in Jakarta in 2022. SMU plans to further strengthen its presence in the region with the opening of another overseas centre in Ho Chi Minh City next, advancing its “Growth in Asia” strategic priority.

    “The selection of Thailand as the location for our second Overseas Centre is the result of both strategic intent and strong relationships with our Thai partners,” SMU President Professor Lily Kong said. “Thailand is a major economy in Southeast Asia and a rising player in shaping the future of Asia as a whole. We believe our presence in Thailand will allow us to contribute research and expertise in vital fields such as sustainability and digital transformation and our vision is aligned with Thailand’s aspirations for a sustainable and knowledge-driven future. SMU is committed to making a meaningful impact on local communities and economies in Asia through education, research, and innovation, and OCB is a testament to our dedication to knowledge-sharing and positive community impact in this dynamic region.”

    To fulfil this role, SMU via OCB will collaborate with local partners in education and industry to bolster human capital development in Thailand and promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise. OCB will primarily focus on student exchanges, experiential learning, thought leadership events, executive development courses, post-graduate programmes and adult learning courses. These areas will facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration between both countries, with OCB acting as SMU’s “embassy” in Thailand, promoting the university’s values, knowledge base, culture, and interests in the region.

    OCB will be led by Centre Director Ms Celine Kuok. Residing in Thailand since 2017, Ms Kuok brings a wealth of experience and a robust network within the higher education sector. Her extensive background in developing leadership programmes and a strong business acumen place her in a good position for OCB to make a positive impact on the local community and the region at large.