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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Savira, Innovations from Atma Jaya Catholic University in Anticipating Changes

    Savira is a chatbot belonging to Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCUI) which was officially launched in Oktober  27th, 2018. This digital innovation has proved to be one of the real steps taken by AJCUI to become a fresher and younger university, although it has reached its 59th anniversary this year.

    “Our students are young generation. So, in approaching them, we use a digital means by creating Savira,” said Elisabeth Rukmini, Ph.D., Vice Rector IV of AJCUI.

    The word Savira is an acronym for  ‘Sahabat Virtual Atma Jaya’ (Atma Jaya Virtual Friend). In Sanskrit, the word Savira is derived from ‘Safira’, which means the most special. Savira was designed to provide information related to admission, new student enrolment, as well as a number of events that will be held by AJCUI.

    Savira was created through the cooperation between AJCUI and software developers from MII dan Kata AI. At present, Savira has been able to work well in providing information about undergraduate and graduate student registration. In addition, Savira is able to respond to any complaints since it is connected to Ask UAJ. So, if you have any complaint or any question, Savira will forward it to the party authorized to respond to a complaint or a question. Surely Savira will become your best friend.

    This year Savira Chatbot succeed to be nominated at IDC Digital Transformation Awards 2019 for Omni Experience Innovator.  Savira the only one chatbot from higher education that have competed in this awards compete with other Indonesia corporations such as Gojek, Tokopedia, BTPN (banking) and BRI (banking).  This awards honor the achievements of the organization that have successfully digitalized one or multiple areas of their business through the application of digital and distruptive technology within Asia/Pasific.

    About the design of Savira

    Behind the creation of Savira  avatar which meets the current needs of the millennial generation there is a person named Agatha Novi Ardhiati, a lecturer of Faculty of Psychology. According to her, Savira reflects an active student who has good academic achievement and a pleasant look. “Savira plays the role of a host for AJCUI, especially for students and would-be students. So, it is very important that its look is similar to the typical students because basically, it is easier to chat with or ask questions to someone that looks just like you,” explained. Ah, there it is, now you know why Savira looks catchy and contemporary.