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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Kozybayev University’s historical science and education

    The teaching staff of Kozybayev University, who has significant experience in the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, every year increases the topics of research work in line with historical science, continuing the good traditions of the legendary North Kazakhstan archaeological expedition, founded by archaeologist Zdanovich B.G. way back in 1967. It is worth adding that over the 55 years of its existence, the expedition discovered more than 2000 archaeological sites within the North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, and Akmola regions.

    The largest contribution to Kazakhstani and world archeology was the discovery of 1980, when the above-mentioned expedition discovered the Botai settlement near the village of Dolmatovo in the North Kazakhstan region, in the past the place of residence of the oldest horse breeders on the Earth. This historical achievement contributed to the development of the scientific concept of the origins of the steppe civilization, the study of the historical precedent of the interaction of a large number of peoples living on the territory of Eurasia.

    In 1997-1999 the temple complex of the early Iron Age of Baikar was opened, which had no analogs for many years. In 2001, the archaeological research laboratory carried out excavations at the burial grounds near the Baganaty village of the Shal Akyn district. As a result of archaeological work, 17rnburial mounds of the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, and the Middle Ages were excavated, the finds of which made up the richest collection of ceramics, gold and bronze jewelry, and religious items. In 2004, fieldwork began on the large settlement Akirii near the Dolmatovo village. The finds made it possible to assert that the early medieval tribes of Northern Kazakhstan could live on the site of the destroyed Saka settlement.

    A sensational discovery of the Northern region was the discovery of a medieval monument of the era of the Golden Orda – Kyzyl oba in the Ualikhanov district of the North Kazakhstan region. The expedition, studying the given historical and cultural object, was organized in September 2019 together with the “Margulan center”. As a result of two archaeological seasons, unique historical artifacts have been discovered that illuminate the history of Northern Kazakhstan in a new light.

    At the university, activity on the development of historical science and education, and the formation of historical consciousness is carried out jointly with organizations in the region. Communication is established with scientific and educational organizations and institutions of the URPAQ region, \”Tugyryl khan\”, the International Association of researchers of the Golden Orda, the State Archives of the North Kazakhstan region, and the regional museum of local history. These measures will undoubtedly give impetus to the development of fundamental scientific research in the fields of history, archeology, and social sciences.