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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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    KNU holds 2021 International Day

    Kyungpook National University held the “2021 KNU International Day” on May 14 at Cheomseongin Square in front of Kyungpook National University’s Central Library, where students and foreign students can take time to interact with each other.

    Students from 11 countries, including the United States, Germany, France, and Russia, set up booths for each country to introduce their own overseas universities and cultures to students and promote international exchange programs organized by universities.

    In addition, international exchange student ambassadors consisting of students also played simple mini-games related to internationalization programs. The event was held under the Covid-19 quarantine guidelines, and about 80 students participated.

    Currently, about 1,740 foreign students, including 1,134 from 59 countries, live in Kyungpook National University as a regular degree program.

    Se Bin Kim, a physics student who participated in the program, expressed satisfaction, saying, “I thought there was no opportunity to do international exchange activities at school because of Covid-19, but through this event, I learned that I could have enough international exchange experience without leaving the country.”

    Tae Hwan Kwon, director of the International Exchange Department at Kyungpook National University, said, “Because of Covid-19, students have limited opportunities to visit overseas universities. I hope this event will naturally foster an international sensation with foreign friends living together on campus and be interested in various internationalization programs run by Kyungpook National University and overseas universities.”