The Faculty of Business Administration and Communication Studies (FIABIKOM) of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCUI), in a partnership with the University of South Alabama, USA, organized a workshop entitled ‘International Workshops on Partial Least-Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-ESM).’ It invited an expert in the field, Dr. Joseph Fair, Ph. D., a lecturer at the University of South Alabama, as the speaker. It took place at the Yustinus Building, 15th floor, Campus 1 Semanggi.
AJCUI received the honor of being one of the hosts for Dr. Joseph’s visit to Jakarta. He traveled to various cities in Indonesia to do campus visits and hold the seminar. AJCUI became his host on Monday (14th Oct). FIABIKOM made use of the opportunity to organize the PLS-ESM Seminar, which discussed the Marketing Statistics Model.
Dr. Eko Widodo, the Dean of FIABIKOM, gave his opening remark and enthusiastically welcomed Dr. Joseph to AJCUI. “Atma Jaya has just received the honor to have Dr. Joseph delivering a workshop regarding Marketing Statistics (PLS-ESM).”
Aside from AJCUI lecturers, there were participants from other universities who attended the seminar. They were from Trisakti University, Diponegoro University, Swiss German University, Faculty of Business and Economics of Airlangga University, School of Business and Management of Bandung Institute of Technology, BINUS University, Catholic University of Parahyangan, Pelita Harapan University, and the State University of Jakarta. For his expertise in marketing, he writes his books and is recorded to have published 50 books. Several titles of his books are ‘Marketing,’ ‘Multivariate Data Analysis,’ ‘Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling,’ and many more.
One of the workshop participants, Renny, expressed her interest in joining the workshop as it invited an expert in marketing as the speaker, and this event only took place at AJCUI. “I am very interested in joining this workshop because I often cite his works, and I am happy I can directly meet with the marketing expert. Moreover, it is the right time since he is in Jakarta,’ said the student at Trisakti University.