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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    INSBIOMM, improving global health safety through collaborative research

    UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA NEWS – The threat of infectious diseases has the potential to kill thousands and even millions of people every year. The threat appears as an outbreak that can damage public health, national security, and integrity. The disease consists of influenza, tuberculosis, malaria, infections that are resistant to antibiotics, and also HIV/AIDS.

    Responding to this problem, Institute of Tropical Diseases(ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with Indonesian Military Health Center (PUSKES TNI) held an international conference entitled Infectious Disease, Biothreats and Military Medicine (INSBIOMM) on August 27 – 28. The conference was designed to facilitate and disseminate research by scientists and professionals in dealing with infectious diseases in Indonesia, particularly those relating to military health. Selected papers will be published in Scopus indexed journals.

    The event which was held in Garuda Mukti Hall, 5th Floor, Campus C, was opened by Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. CMA. In his remarks, Prof. Nasih said that international conferences and research collaborations between researchers are expected to produce innovations in preventing and resolving health problems related to infectious diseases in Indonesia based on their geographical location. Given that many diseases appear in various parts of the world and transmitted through animals. Thus, we must come prepared in the prevention and bring innovation in dealing with these problems.

    “Disease can also potentially be misused for bioterrorism,” he said.

    Prof. Nasih said that in handling and preventing diseases, multi-sectoral collaboration is needed. The collaborative concept in detecting animal, human and environmental health is the main alternative in improving health data and preventing transmission from around the world. There will be suggestions from various researchers, academics, and professionals to detect diseases early in responding to national health safety.

    “All these actions are aimed at strengthening national health security,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Prof. dr. Soetjipto, M.S., PhD revealed that in developing strategies to diagnose, prevent, and treat increasing infectious disease cases, preparation in terms of facilities and capacity of excellent human resources in various sectors is needed.

    For this reason, in providing a better understanding, there is a need for contribution, collaboration, and communication between researchers in implementing global health safety. There were various discussions on biochemistry, bioactive natural products, immunology, and several other infectious diseases at this conference.

    “It is very important to prepare the country’s capacity in responding to the threat of infectious disease. This research collaboration is expected to be improved and implemented daily for global health safety, ” he added.

    In the conference, some researchers also presented their works in the plenary lectures, such as Emily S. Kelley (Senior Operations Manager of the Biological Threat Reduction Program, US Defense Threat Reduction Agency), Mark D. Lim, Ph.D., PMP (American Society for Microbiology), Col. Iwan Trihapsoro, MD., M., Derm., M.Avmed., FINSDV., FAADV, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.MK(K), Jason Rao Ph.D. from Cornell University and other experts on infectious diseases. (*)