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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    From Smart City To Future City: The 21st-Century Urbanisation Challenge

    According to the United Nations, over 54 percent of the global population are now city dwellers, and this number is set to increase to 67 percent by 2050. Urbanisation can lead to possibilities of social and economic development and more sustainable living. However, at the same time, it has a significant impact on the infrastructure and resources and surging social inequality.

    With cities around the world being in constant global competition for investment and foreign talent, equipping the true potential of urbanisation to increase shared prosperity and eliminate extreme poverty build upon the presence of a clear and landstanding vision.

    The creation and establishment of an urban ecosystem involves administering the effects to rural areas that get devoured into the expansion of cities. Therefore, to rectify the identified challenges, city administrators will have to engage data-driven intelligence to determine relevant priorities and make certain the general livability for citizens. Further, to resolve the various social difficulties as a result of urbanisation, data sources have to be able to integrate seamlessly. Only then can they mitigate citizen buren through the delivery of predictive services.

    Some technologically advanced cities are tapping on the Internet of Things (IoT) channels to keep an eye on the city infrastructures and using the data collected to establish longer-term strategies around environmental sustainability. While others focus on carrying out digital business transformation and smart city initiatives outlined to attract businesses and foreign talent. This clearly demonstrates that smart city has a wide definition that is top priority to every country around the world. Therefore, the identification of smart city goals and objectives starts with an in-depth comprehension of the needs of the citizens and businesses and a community’s distinctive attributes. Stakeholder engagement is the fundamental starting point for kickstarting smart city programmes. Thereafter, cities will have to make use of current urban intelligence to propel their smart mobility, energy, utilities and city commerce programmes, integrating all their smart urban applications and escalating these with ease.

    Source: Digitalist Magazine