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    Education systems can stifle creative thought. Here’s how to do things differently

    There is serious job-skills mismatch which underlines the need to shift focus on skill-building and to shape learner success. The current traditional education fail to value innovative and entrepreneurial thinking even though creative skills and mindsets are fundamental to the present workforce. As such, entrepreneurial education has been identified as the solution to foster critical skills of innovative and creative thinking, equipping individuals with a flexible “growth mindset” that can adapt to present challenges. Skills fostered through entrepreneurial education are useful beyond the job market as they provide people with the life skills and businesses skills needed to be active citizens in a perplex and dynamic global environment. Learners can grab hold of opportunities and turn them into value for others. Despite its importance, there are a lack of entrepreneurial learning within education in most countries. No country has adequately assessed student learner outcomes and only some countries have included experiential learning in classrooms.

    Research on creative mindset development shows that a minimum of four to six months continuous development is needed to foster the neural capacity and advance plasticity needed to be creative. Greater focus should be placed on creativity instead of the process of business development to achieve constant innovation. Education neuroscience pointed out that without a concrete deep-learning approach, the levels of creativity will continue to slide as students progress in the various stages of education. Dominance of competition-based approaches in relation to startup or business concepts is critical to learner development with regards to self-belief, entrepreneurial skills and ethics.

    The benefits of inculcating creative and innovative thinking include (1) having creativity as a skill (2) development of innovative business models (3) contribution to greater youth employment (4) creation of new markets and jobs.

    Education systems can stifle creative thought. Here’s how to do things differently
    Photo: World Economic Forum

    Source: World Economic Forum

    Participate in the upcoming QS Totally Arts Summit – “21st Century Art and Design Education: Nurturing Passion with Purpose” which will be held from 24-26 October 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.