20.2 C
New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    AtmaZeds, The Easy and Practical Learning Platform

    Together with Savira, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCUI) also launched an online learning medium, aka Massive Open and Online Course (MOOC), that can be accessed by students for free. This learning platform was named AtmaZeds. According to Elisabeth Rukmini, Ph.D.,  Vice Rector IV of AJCUI, the name ‘AtmaZeds’ was given to the platform since its use is mainly intended for generation Z. AtmaZeds was created to accommodate the mobile learning style of generation Z, that is they are able to obtain learning materials from anywhere and anyone.

    But, don’t be wrong. AtmaZeds is not just for generation Z. For those of you, Movers, who are better known as generation C and who prefer Internet-based content, AtmaZeds also caters for your needs. In this learning platform, there are four categories of available courses, namely Psychology, Medicine & Health Sciences, Business, and Information System. Based on four categories, there are six courses available, namely Computational Thinking with Phyton, Basic Psychometrics for Non-psychometrics, Caring for Older People and People with Dementia, R for Financial Data Analysis, Psychology for Children with Special Needs, and Communicating Science through the Art of Blogging. As many as 8–12 more courses will be added to AtmaZeds this year. AtmaZeds also has an additional feature for you, Movers, that is you will be able to receive certification for any course you take. So, you will be able to measure how much your comprehension of the course you take is.

    To receive certification, you must take a paid assessment and if you pass, you will be given a certificate by AJCUI. You don’t have to worry about the quality of the courses you take from AtmaZeds because AJCUI has made sure to guarantee the quality of the offered courses.

    “We hold a workshop on quality assurance (QA) or mixed online and offline materials. Although has already had MOOC, we still offer offline classes. The QA guarantees these mixed materials,” explained Elisabeth.

    So, feel the sensation from taking an online course with AtmaZeds.