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Monday, May 20, 2024
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    President University selected to be advisor in “Program Asuh Perguruan Tinggi 2019”

    President University shows its sincerity to support progress and improve education in Indonesia by participating in “Kegiatan Program Asuh Perguruan Tinggi Menuju Program Studi Unggul 2019”. In this program, President University was chosen as one of 30 universities in Indonesia that become the advisor in a program initiated by the Ministry Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia. This program aims to improve the quality of undeveloped universities in Indonesia. Through this program, accredited A universities provide assistance to other universities or higher education institutions whose majority of the study programs are accredited C.

    President University provides assistance to 5 higher education institutions which are STMIK Kharisma Karawang, STMIK Bani Saleh Bekasi, STT Bina Tunggal Bekasi, STMIK Lighthouse Bekasi, and IISIP YAPIS Biak.

    The activities of “Kegiatan Program Asuh Perguruan Tinggi Menuju Program Studi Unggul 2019” in President University began with the opening ceremony by the Rector of President University, Prof. Dr. Jony Oktavian Haryanto. Then the event continued with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between President University and the five foster universities. The scope of the memorandum of understanding is education, research, community service, and university advisory programs lead to the superior study program.

    Next, representatives from foster universities will receive training from May 13 to November 8, 2019. The training and mentoring include an internal quality assurance system, training in the preparation of SPMI documents, and ongoing program evaluations.

    Director of President University’s Internal Quality Assurance, Prof. Slameto revealed that there needs to be a commitment from each university to carry out everything that has been learned during this training. If this commitment continues to be maintained, it is expected that foster universities will soon get A accreditation and become a superior university.