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New York
Sunday, May 5, 2024
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    ITS students innovate a fishing device equipped with an automatic feeder system

    As a maritime country, the outcomes of Indonesia’s marine products have not been optimally utilized. Therefore, ITS students from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Alfiyan Rizki Maulidan, Fakhri Ihsan Nalendro, and Hanif Srisubaga Alim, have developed a floating net cage with a feeder system called e-Keramba.

    This invention has various high-technology features. The main feature is the feeder system that will automatically feed the fish. This invention is equipped with an Arduino Mega chip to manage the Feeder system, utilize Global Positioning System (GPS), and the engine movement. This invention also has a remote control so that the fisherman can operate the device from a certain distance.

    With e-Keramba, Alfiyan and the team took home a gold medal at the ASEAN Innovative and Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF) 2021. They hope this innovation will improve Indonesian fishermen’s productivity.