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Saturday, September 21, 2024
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    Chula Students Win the “Software Park-WealthMagik” Animation Award

    Chulalongkorn University students have won first prize in the Software Park – WealthMagik Animation Award Season 5 (student category) under the category  “Early Retirement, Great Sense of Humor” for their animation titled “Ork Dok, Ork Phon (Fruitful)”.

    The contest was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NTSDA), and various other agencies.

    Miss Amonwan Chanpetch, a fourth-year student, from the Faculty of Science, and Mr. Wichaphon Miboon, a fifth-year student, from the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University were members of Team Tomato, the animation creator.

    Amonwan, representing the team, revealed that the purpose of this contest was for young people and the rest of the public to learn about saving and investing through animations.

    The team’s work process started from creating a storyline to writing the storyboard, and then producing the animation, in which she was responsible for the coding.  In the first round, the storyboard was sent to the committee for consideration, then the finished work was submitted.  Next, the animation was presented to the judging panel in the final round.

    Fruitful” is an animation that presents the idea that saving by yourself yields only a small profit, but saving with an investment provides greater returns and can benefit greatly with expert advice.

    The highlight of this animation is the easy-to-understand storyline and pleasing color-scheme that communicates through animation and music.  Without audio commentary, it fits both Thai and foreign audiences, from high school students to people who are already working.

    Amonwan studies microbiology and has an interest in animation production and editing. For over two months, she learned and created the animation by watching YouTube.

    According to Amonwan, participating in this contest has been a priceless experience, and an opportunity to learn about saving and making investments.  One advice for other students interested in joining the contest is, “Everyone has potential.  We may not be experts or knowledgeable in certain subjects, but with determination and confidence, we can do it.”