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    Big Data: Challenge and Opportunity for Translational and Industrial Research in Healthcare

    Research and innovation play a vital role in the healthcare industry: medicine, biology and biotechnology encourage it, and lately computational and data-driven disciplines achieved relevance to administer the large amount of data being generated. To carry out compelling translational and healthcare industrial research, big data in the life science domain is required to be organized, well annotated, catalogued, correlated and integrated. Thereby demonstrating the system’s need for strategic decision making for the transition from data to knowledge.

    Medicine is sustained by observations and data and to a certain extent, medicine is turning into a data science backed by clinicians. While medicine is deemed as a personalized, quantified (precision med), clinicians should be ready to contribute the change in which the Internet of People rewrites the Internet of Things paradigm.

    Integrated use of electronic health records (EHRs) and quantitative data (both clinical and molecular) is important to the fostering of precision medicine. The digitization of health records facilitates and expands greater opportunities for science and research; hence these information should be now compiled and managed based on this objective.

    An extensive data and the ability to accurately utilise them is a significant advantage for clinicians, life science researchers and drugs producers. In an industrial sector where greater efforts have been put in place for drug repurposing, attention to efficient methods to unwind the complexity of human physiology, such network based methods and physical chemistry computational methods have become rather significant.

    Finally, the basis of industrial R&D processes for vaccines are strictly regulated via pass/fail criteria. Bottlenecks of R&D processes are typically characterised by animal and human studies, which could be deliberated by surrogate in vitro assays as well as by predictive molecular and cellular signatures and models.

    Read full article.

    Participate in the upcoming QS Subject Focus Summit – Medicine under the theme of “Advancing the Medical and Health Sciences: Education, Research & Collaboration” from 23-25 January 2019 in Surabaya, Indonesia.