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    Transforming Higher Education And Research With The Internet of Things

    Higher education and research have been transformed due to the possible alternatives offered by the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

    IoT can transform education based on the following factors (1) Immersive and connected educational spaces (2) Connected infrastructure: Safer, more efficient use of space (3) Personalised learning (4) Increased sustainability and cost savings (5) AI-powered research.

    IoT and forward-looking technologies allow universities to create captivating educational spaces with integrated virtual and reality environments for smart learning; while minimising costs and enhancing productivity at the same time. The sophisticated facilities help foster both students’ learning experience and faculty’s teaching experience.

    In addition, by being connected to the universities’ infrastructure, students and stakeholders are able to dynamically plan and more efficiently use university space. Students and researchers are able to check for the availability of university facilities and collaborate on projects digitally.

    Through the use of smart technologies, universities are also able to design personalised learning solutions according to the needs of individual students. Information can be automatically gathered about students and their use of learning resources, AI and ML can be integrated for the system to learn and adapt. Smart technologies can also be included in the system to help generate different learning scenarios according to the students’ needs, and provide feedbacks about their learning progress.

    Last but not least, successful researchers will have to cooperate with associates across universities for research projects while being recognised for their expertise. AI and ML can be used to intelligently broaden a researcher’s network across various field and disciplines or discover insights in previously unknown papers. It can also present relevant challenges where new research collaboration may prove valuable.

    Therefore, to remain competitive, universities and research institutions will have to create an environment that attracts the brilliant minds; and this can be achieved through the use of IoT and up-to-date technologies.

    Source: Digitalist Magazine

    Join us in the upcoming QS WORLDWIDE 2018 from 22-23 May 2018 in Moscow, Russia, as we discuss the topic on “In Search of University Excellence: Perspectives from Russia and Emerging Countries”